A brief break in the rain
It may have been raining - which the Danes found quite some amusement in (thanks guys) but I was happy to be on my way. I spoke to the lovely helpful Marie and apologised to her about the discussion she had to listen too. She too didnt like the woman's attitude, apologising to me saying there was nothing she could do, which was a pleasant surprise however I had expected nothing from her.
It was clear the other woman was in control/ responsible and had a vindictive control streak. (See joke about Thatcher and the sinking of the Belgrano.) She would not take anything for using the washing machine which was good of her and a nice up yours to the c**t.
I didnt have any breakfast as I would not give the c**t a penny more so headed off to Lagan expecting to get some breakfast there. Lagan came and went and by the time I got something to eat it was lunch. I was very happy that there was a road running parallel to the E4 and made good time Vaggeryd. Things started to get a lot hillier and my pace was getting slow, no breakfast had taken its toll, I somehow missed the Youth Hostel in Norrahammar and despite the hills not being that tough I was making hard work of Taberg and on. The run down to Jonkoping was just bloody minded determination and it was here that I was introduced to my best Swedish Hotel experience so far, The Elite Hotel in the centre of town.
It was just over 600sek for the night, central, clean good room, not big but everything was made well, clean and not falling apart and free Wifi for two hours. So after a quick shower and the now religious washing of my clothes I headed downstairs to The Bishops Arse for a burger and some beer.
Sadly as with most Swedish bars on a Friday/ Saturday night it had that terrible desperate atmosphere, everybody had the Im out to prove something attitude, totally tense and everyone doing their best to appear to be having a good time, there were nearly fights breaking out at the bar when they were trying to get served eugh. At least in Glasgow we have fun before we start the mindless drunken violence. So ignoring the lot of them, I poured over my maps enjoying real beer and some food. There was a couple at the bar who were human, but I only spoke to them briefly as I headed upto my room after first telling the Chinese, 6 from a coach load of seemingly 3000, were crammed in the small non-smoking room to me next door to me, creating more smoke than Mount Etna, to shut the door and put the fags out, the Chinese can smoke.
The next thing it was morning and I was about to be late for breakfast which I managed just, it was very good lots of fruit etc etc. but it was the setting, a high ceiling ballroom decorated like a French/ Italian opera house, the frescoes were excellent as were the proportions of the room. I made my two lunch sandwiches, resisted the waffles which I confess I now regret and headed out into, yes well guessed the rain.